Core research team and WP leads at Aalto

Dr. Anniina Suominen
PI & Lead of WP 1 & 2
Anniina is centrally involved in developing research and practices of artpreneurship.
Dr. Astrid Huopalainen
Deputy PI & Co-lead of WP 1
Astrid focuses on interrelations and potential clashes between arts and organizing.
Dr. Juuso Tervo
Lead of WP 3
Juuso works closely with art-based cross-sectional collaboration.
Dr. Petra Hietanen-Kunwald
CO-Lead of WP 4
Petra's research interests are proactive law, dispute system design, and system theory.
Dr. Bassam El Baroni
Co-Lead of WP 4
Bassam’s research lies at the intersection of curatorial practice and weird economics.
Rupesh Vyas
Rupesh investigates data visualisation through practice-based information design. Interested in complex data economics.
Ricardo Dutra Gonçalves
Ricardo is a project researcher pursuing practice-based research on social arts & design.
Perttu Isohanni
Perttu’s research focuses on AI and intellectul property rights, particularly copyright law.
Olga Tasanko
Olga’s research focuses on Luova Lämpiö with a special interest in audio-related professions.
Sami Sorvali
Co-Lead of WP 2
Industry expert (Taiste Oy) and co-lead of WP 2.
Ida Muhonen
Project Coordinator
Creative industry professional with a career in the music industry.
Uneeb Kari
Research assistant​
Game design student passionate about entrepreneurship.​ Loves art and tech.
Lotta Aulamo​
Research assistant
Art education student and architect driven by eco-social challenges and entangled world.​
Esther Ford