Power-Deriva was in the process of developing their company’s brand, communication and marketing, and saw the collaboration with Luova Lämpiö as a perfect opportunity to gain new and diverse perspectives. Their project resulted in a short animation that uses music and weaving as metaphors to showcase Power-Deriva’s values.
August & September 2024
Company: Power-Deriva

Creative Professionals
: Joseph Hallam, Juha Koivusalo and Mia Simanainen

Power-Deriva offers portfolio management, derivative trading, electricity procurement, and consulting services related to electricity markets for corporate and institutional clients operating in wholesale markets. Their mission is to provide their customers with the most reliable and highest-quality services in the industry.

In the energy industry, Power-Deriva has to implement innovative solutions that consistently deliver impressive results. Therefore, they needed bold and fresh point of views and expertise to evolve their brand and communications, which is why they partnered with Luova Lämpiö. Power-Deriva has utilized the results of project to effectively communicate their brand values internally.

The project began with the co-initiation phase and a value workshop that set the groundwork for the project by addressing and identifying Power-Deriva’s key challenges, opportunities and needs. Building on these insights, the project progressed to Challenge Lab sessions where the company's challenge was introduced to creative industry professionals. Through discussions with Power-Deriva’s team he creatives developed ideas tailored to address the company’s challenge. The ideas were examined by the Luova Lämpiö research team who chose the most suitable idea for the challenge. The creatives took full responsibility for the implementation of the project.

Project Loom was executed by Sound Artist Mia Simanainen, Designer and Animator Juha Koivusalo and Textile Artist Joseph Hallam.

The result of the project was a short animation that represents the corevalues of Power-Deriva. The video is emphasized with musical themes and sounds, and animated visuals that take inspiration from textiles and weaving. Music and weaving were chosen as metaphors to illustrate how Power-Deriva combines information to enhance its clarity and accessibility.  

Q&A with Power-Deriva's Project Manager Laura Harjamäki

Why did you want to be part of Luova Lämpiö co-research project?
We are currently developing our company’s brand, communications, and marketing, and so it was the perfect opportunity to participate in the Luova Lämpiö project. The collaboration enabled us to gain new and diverse perspectives on Power-Deriva’s brand and communications

Why do you find the Luova Lämpiö project important?
The pace of change is accelerating across many industries, and companies will increasingly need creative thinking and problem solving. Companies need new perspectives, ways to understand the changing world more broadly, and the ability to innovate and renew. We believe that the creative industry can help companies in this, which is why this project is important—for creative professionals and businesses to meet and discover new ways to collaborate.

What value, in your opinion, do multidisciplinary practices and collaboration bring?
The challenges of today’s world, such as climate change, are so complex that solving them requires multidisciplinary understanding and expertise. By combining knowledge and skills from different fields, it is possible to generate ideas and innovations that could not have been developed without interdisciplinary collaboration.
What made you interested in expanding your collaboration towards the creative field?
In our core area of expertise, the energy industry, we often implement new solutions, which has achieved good results. However, for the development of Power-Deriva’s brand and communications, we needed fresh, even disruptive perspectives and expertise. This is why we wanted to seek out a suitable partner to collaborate with.

What kind of value do you believe creative thinking, creative practices, and the expertise of creative professionals bring to your company?
We operate in the energy industry, which is highly technical and abstract. At the same time, we work closely in teams and meet with customers, so our work is also quite people-oriented. We believe that collaborating with creative professionals helps us, for example, communicate our message more clearly and effectively.

Learn more about Power-Deriva here.